Brittany Lemmon
Artist Reception May 4, 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Brittany Lemmon is a self taught artist who works primarily with oils but also loves watercolor and acrylic. From an early age she new her life would center around the arts, & her passion for seeking her own knowledge led her to study the masters and classical techniques through the books at the library or online sources like YouTube. Some of her favorite subjects are birds, flowers, and mountains. She regularly participates in outdoor Utah art shows, like Art Around the Square, Art at the Park, and Art in the Barn. Her gallery exhibitions include at the JKR Gallery in Provo for their Business Card Art Show, their Handscapes show, and their God’s Grace show, as well as Writ & Vision in Provo, Utah and The Willard Arts center for in Idaho Falls, Idaho.
She is currently completing a cubo-polygonal series that combines her love of vibrant color and stained-glass windows, using oil paint and sharp, geometric shapes.
She is currently booked through May with custom commissions but always loves to work with new collectors.